Festival Jardins William Christie 2019 4100 Julien Gazeau

Pinède (Pine Grove)


There is an air of Italy in this discreet garden, a place conducive to leisure and rest. The umbrella pines and scattered stelae evoke an ancient past: Arcadia is not far off, and one almost expects a shepherd to appear, stepping straight out of a baroque pastoral. Or is it a solitary wanderer, drawn into reverie by the melancholic charm of the place?

  • 2020 Jardins William Christie Drone 0298 Julien Gazeau

    La Pinède vue du ciel (© Julien Gazeau)

    La Pinède vue du ciel (© Julien Gazeau)
  • Jardins-William-Christie-P1250258 Alain Berthet

    La Pinède au printemps (© Alain Berthet)

    La Pinède au printemps (© Alain Berthet)
  • Festival Jardins William Christie 2019 4100 Julien Gazeau

    La Pinède en été (© Julien Gazeau)

    La Pinède en été (© Julien Gazeau)
  • 2020 Jardins William Christie DSC5059 Lionel Hug

    La Pinède (© Lionel Hug)

    La Pinède (© Lionel Hug)

The Pinède, in William Christie's words:

"This pine grove, or boschetto, is a nod towards Italy. Its components are quite simple: a collection of umbrella pines and cypresses. In spring this quiet, restful space blooms spectacularly with thousands of white narcissi and white tulips."

William Christie

Plan JWC Pinede

The Pine Grove with music

The Pine Grove to the rythm of the seasons

  • ETE Promenade Musicale Dans La Pine De 2016 Julien Gazeau William Christie 2271

    La Pinède en été lors du festival Dans les Jardins de William Christie (© Julien Gazeau)

  • AUTOMNE Pine De 2020 Jardins William Christie DSC5059 Lionel Hug

    La Pinède en automne (© Lionel Hug)

  • HIVER Pine De 2019 Jardins William Christie Arts FlorissantsEZ4A3398 DxPlOJacky Joccotton

    La Pinède en hiver (© Jacky Jocotton)

  • PRINTEMPS Pine De Arts Florissants Mars 2021 JulienGazeau 4849

    La Pinède au printemps (© Julien Gazeau)

Gardener's word

Here in spring there are pools of white Narcissus ‘Mount Hood’ and Narcissus ‘Thalia’ which are followed by the the tulip ‘White Triumphator’. The shrub rose that grows in the beds along the nut walk is Rosa ‘Bonica’, a modern hybrid that flowers for several months.

John Hoyland, advisor for garden design at Glyndebourne and WIlliam Christie's friend